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Q: What does the clouds are a ball of cotton mean?
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What do you call Clouds that look like cotton ball?

Clouds that look like cotton balls are probably cumulus clouds.

What is a Clouds that look like cotton ball called?

Cumulus clouds look like !!!!

Stratoform and cumuliform?

Stratiform clouds are layered clouds and they have very horizontal extent. Cumuliform clouds tops look like a popcorn, cotton ball or like cauliflower.

What does the simile ' clouds looked like puffs of cotton' mean?

The simile 'clouds looked like puffs of cotton' means that the clouds were fluffy and soft in appearance, similar to the texture of cotton. It paints a vivid picture of the clouds as light, airy, and billowy in the sky.

What does the cumulus clouds look like?

Cumulus clouds look like big giant puffballs or cotton balls. Or possibly if you have heard they look like mash potatoes?

What do culunimbus clouds do?

they are cotton clouds

Clouds are not made of what?

Clouds are not made of cotton.

Is cotton like clouds a vivid word?

Cotton like clouds is actually backwards. It should be "Clouds like cotton" then Yes, it would be a vivid word as someone can easily visualize a piece of cotton.

What does simile clouds looked like puffs of cotton mean?

it means that they were fluffy and big so they looked like cotton balls!

What type of clouds are white and fluffy like cotton ballsWhat type of clouds are white and fluffy like cotton balls?

Cumulus clouds A+

What Movie had the song Cotton Candy Clouds in it?

Cloudy and the Chance of Meatballs is the movie that had the song cotton candy clouds...................

What is fluffy Cotton like clouds called?

cotton balls