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Q: What does the earth look like in day and night?
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What causes a day?

When the Earth spins around on its axis, it creates night and day on Earth. This movement makes it look like the Sun is moving across the sky. The Sun rises in the east and sets in the west, turning day into night. Most places on Earth have some amount of day and night every 24 hours. On Earth, the length of day and night usually changes with the seasons.When your location on Earth is facing toward the sun, it is day. When your location is facing away from the sun, it is night.

Can you earth be seen with a telescope at night?

Yes. If you know where to look, you can evensee it without a telescope, day or night.

What causes day and night in?

Day and night on Saturn is caused by the its rotation around the Sun. Much like the Earth, the Sun provides the day and night cycle for Saturn.

What cause day in night?

Day and night on Saturn is caused by the its rotation around the Sun. Much like the Earth, the Sun provides the day and night cycle for Saturn.

How do you experience day and night?

You experience day and night by the rotation of the Earth on it's axis. The portion of Earth that faces the Earth is day and the other side is night.

Is a day what causes night?

In very basic terms, both night and day are caused by the proximity of a planet-like object to a star. Night turns into day as the earth is rotates.

How is romeo like day?

Romeo is a person. People live on the planet. The planet is earth. On earth there are two types of day; day and night. Romeo was alive during the day. Therefore he is like the day.

Why is there daytime and night time on mars?

good question, the answer is as earth spins on an axis mars does so it has day and night just like earth!

Day and night are cause by?

the rotation of Earth on its axis.

How does day change to night?

Day and night changes the earth the earth makes it happen by rotating the earth rotates and it turns day or nightexample: you live in Arizona and when its day time theres light then as the earth moves it turns night time.Day and night changes the earth the earth makes it happen by rotating the earth rotates and it turns day or nightexample: you live in Arizona and when its day time theres light then as the earth moves it turns night time.

What is the difference of time in space compared with time on earth?

In space there is no fixed time like earth. As there is 24 hours sun not like earth with day and night.

What is the result of earth's rotation on its axis?

Day and night.