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Holy cow is a minced oath, like Jeepers or For Crying Out Loud. It refers obliquely to Jesus, of course, but it may also be related to the sacred cows of Hinduism
It means like "Oh my gosh" or "Oh my god". It is a phrase of excitement.

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Q: What does the phrase holy cow mean?
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Holy Cow!

Where did the phrase holy cow come from?

The phrase holy cow came from the Indian belief that cows are sacred

Where did the term holy cow come from?

"Holy cow" is used as tamer replacement for "holy Christ!". It is thought to have originated among baseball players, who did not want to get in trouble for using sacrilegious speech, and may have come from the Hindi idea that the cow was sacred. This theory is supported by the first recorded use of the phrase in a letter to the editor that refers to "holy cow" as a "Hindoo oath".

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a cow or a holy man hope that helped :)

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'la vache' means 'the cow' in French. As an exclamative phrase, it expresses surprise, something along the line of 'holy cow!'

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The phrase you might mean is the Holy Sepulchre. The Holy Sepulchre a term for the burial place of Jesus.

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That phrase cannot really be understood without knowing the context in which it appears.

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The name Ho Lee Chow sounds almost identical to the phrase Holy Chow. Depending on one's ethnic background or where geographically this name / phrase is heard, it is understandable that one is quite often mistaken for the other. Holy Chow as a phrase, however, is not nearly as prevalent as the nearly identical sounding American exclamation, "Holy Cow!" or the actual reference to cows in Indian culture (holy cows).

Why is cow dung holy and spiritual for the Hindus?

cow itself is very holy and Religious for Hindu. Cow dung is used in vedic karmas.

How did holy cow originate?

From cultures where the cow is a sacred animal.

What does the brain teaser COW with polka dots on it?

Holy cow.