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Q: What does the story of creation tell us about he world?
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What does the story of creation tell us?

creation reveals God's goodness

What does the story of creation tell us about man?

The story of creation depicts man as a special and beloved creation of God, made in His image and given dominion over all other creatures on earth. It emphasizes man's responsibility to care for and steward the earth, as well as the importance of relationships with God and fellow humans.

How God created the world according to Jews?

From the Jewish perspective, the story of creation as outlined in the Torah, doesn't tell us how HaShem created the world, it tells us WHAT He did. The majority of Jews do not see any conflict between the story of creation and the theory of evolution and the big bang theory.

How do story graphs help us in the outside world?

to tell us what things are good or bad

Do creation stories tell religious communities about God?

Yes, they tell us that our creation was not accidental but was purposeful and meaningful. See also:Is there evidence for Creation?Can you show that God exists?Seeing God's wisdom

What does the creation story tell about God?

It tells us that God is all powerful - He spoke all things into being. It also tells us there is more than one person as part of the one Godhead. It tells us that men and women have a special standing with God that no other part of creation has, and that they are made in God's image.

What does the story of Jesus' birth tell us about why he came?

Jesus story tells us that he came to die for the sins of the world. So that we could have salvation.

What answer would you give to someone who says that the creation stories are obsolete because science has given us a much better picture of the origins of the world?

I would agree. After all, the scientific position is based on facts. However, I could say that science does not tell us why the world was created, while religion can.For more detailed information, please visit:

What is the truth that the first creations story reveals to us?

Leon R. Kass (The Beginning of Wisdom: Reading Genesis) says that the first biblical creation story (Genesis 1:1-2:4a) differs from the second creation story (Genesis 2:4b-25) not only in content but also in tone, mood and orientation. It also portrays a sequence of creation quite at odds with what science tells us really happened. So, any truths in the first creation story must be moral truths, not answers about how we were created and why we are here.The first biblical creation story tells us that the earth existed before the sun, moon and stars; that there was daylight, even day and night before there was a sun; and that plants were created before there was a sun to sustain them. It tells us, or seems to tell us, that God created every living thing just as we now know know them. Some scholars even say that the first creation story says that the earth itself was pre-existing and uncreated.For more information, please visit:

What does the Anasazi creation story tell us about their culture?

The Anasazi creation story, as told by the Hopi and other Pueblo tribes, reveals their deep connection to the natural world and the importance of maintaining harmony with it. It emphasizes the significance of cyclical processes, such as the changing of seasons and the rebirth of life, which likely influenced their agricultural practices. Overall, the creation story reflects the Anasazi's profound respect for the land and their understanding of the interconnectedness of all living beings in their culture.

What does the story of Adam and Eve say about creation?

A:The story of Adam and Eve is undoubtedly a creation myth, not a true, historical account of creation. Even the differences between this, the second creation story in Genesis, and the first account (Genesis 1:1-2:4a) tell us that the two stories were developed by different people at different times and in different cultures. This account tells us, improbably, that God created Adam then created the animals one by one, trying to find a helpmeet for Adam. It was only when Adam had rejected every other creature as unsuitable for a close companion that God created a female of the species, Eve. This was a story with a hidden moral purpose, not a story of creation.

What does the Adam and Eve creation story tell us about being human?

The creation story of Adam and Eve tells us that making mistakes is part of being human. Another part of being human is regretting mistakes. Still another part is learning from mistakes. And yet another is survivingand succeeding because of the human ability to recognize mistakes and change behaviors accordingly.