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"Clear and present danger" is a test derived from Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr's opinion in the Supreme Court case Schenck v. US, (1919), that first set established legal exceptions to, or restrictions on, the exercise of First Amendment free speech depending on the content and context of the speech. In other words, "clear and present danger" was the standard used to determine whether free speech could be censored or punished.

Holmes' simplest analogy involves "shouting fire in a crowded theater," an activity that (in the absence of fire), could put people in danger and lead to injuries. Holmes asserted the First Amendment was never intended to protect that kind of free speech.

In Schenck v. US, the Supreme Court upheld the 1917 Espionage Act as constitutional and affirmed the convictions of Charles Schenck and Elizabeth Baer for distributing anti-war pamphlets that encouraged conscripted soldiers to resist the draft and refuse to fight in World War I. The Court held their speech wasn't protected because it threatened to interfere with military recruiting.

Case Citation:

Schenck v. United States, 249 US 47 (1919)

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Q: What does the term clear and present danger have to do with censorship?
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