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Q: What dominated all areas of Life during the middle ages?
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Who dominated or controlled life for all people in the middle ages?

The Church

What type of animal life dominated during this era?


Who dominated warfare in middle ages?

kings and queens ruled the battlefield in Medieval life.

What was a peasants religion?

Peasants in medieval Europe typically practiced Christianity, which was the dominant religion at the time. They followed the teachings of the Catholic Church and participated in religious rituals and ceremonies as part of their faith.

What type of organisms dominated life during Precambrian time?

multi-celled organisms

Greek life was dominated by who?

It was dominated by the Gods

Who dominated economic and political life of towns during the high middle ages?

In many places, the economic and political life was dominated by guilds of merchants and tradesmen. The domination was profound enough that there were many medieval towns and cities of a type called communes (commonwealths might be a better way of putting it in modern English), and the communes were run as republican cities, some within monarchies, and some independent.

How are the three major types of fresh water wetlands different and how are they different?

They are all land areas covered with water during part or all of the year.Marsh - a type of wetland ecosystem characterized by poorly drained mineral soils and by plant life dominated by grassesSwamp - a wetland ecosystem characterized by mineral soils with poor drainage and by plant life dominated by treesBog - a type of wetland ecosystem characterized by wet, spongy, poorly drained peaty soil, dominated by the growth of bog mossesHope this helps!Alex, Age 11

Who dominated the economic and political life of medieval towns?

Merchant guilds dominated the economic and political life of medieval towns.

Anglo-Saxon life was dominated by?

Anglo-Saxon life was dominated by the need to protect the clan and home against enemies

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Differences in middle class and working class life expectancy?

Overall, middle-class individuals tend to have a higher life expectancy compared to working-class individuals due to better access to healthcare, education, and resources for a healthier lifestyle. Middle-class individuals are more likely to have jobs with better benefits and lower exposure to health risks, contributing to a longer life expectancy. Working-class individuals may face more challenges related to job security, economic stress, and access to quality healthcare, which can impact their life expectancy negatively.