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Q: What dyes are used to stain ribosomes?
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What is an organic stain?

An organic stain is considered a biological stain using organic dye. Organic dyes used are often modified from the textile industry.

What one of these leucocytes stain both acidic and bacic dyes?

Neutrophils stain both acidic and basic dyes

What is an auramine?

An auramine is any of a family of fluorescent dyes used to stain tissues for fluorescence microscopy.

What is the Difference between dyes and stains in biology?

a dye is used on inanimate objects & stain is used on animate objects .

When is Negative stain used?

it is used in diagnostic microscopy (to visualize the edges of protein complexes, macromolecules and cells in suspension).

Why an acidic stain is used in negative staining?

Acidic dyes are negatively-charged dyes. Since bacteria are also negatively-charged, they will repel the acidic dyes. So, instead of staining the bacterium itself, it will be the background that will be colorized....

Does a reticulocyte stain with cresyl blue?

Stain with basic dyes cytoplasm shows blue precipitates

Why do bacteria tend to stain better with cationic dyes?

Cationic dyes are positively charged, bacteria must have negatively charged dyes on their surface to attract.

Why doesn't the whole cell stain with the cell-wall stain?

The whole cell doesn't stain during a cell wall stain because the dyes that are used are only attracted to the negative cell wall and only sticks it. The inside of the cell shows clear.

Does jello stain clothes?

Jello can stain clothes, but depending on the fabric it may wash out easily. Colors with strong dyes, like red, will stain clothing worse. Colors with weaker dyes, like yellow, will be easier stains to wash away.

Difference between dye and stain?

A stain is temporary whereas dyes are permanent and can be removedonly after cell wall destruction.

What part of speech is tincture?

The word tincture is a noun. (A pigment which dyes/an added colour) It can also be used as a verb. (to stain something with colour)