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Congress and Lincoln both agreed on a bill creating the Freedman's Bureau.

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Q: What early reconstruction measure did Lincoln and congress agree upon?
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Did anyone not agree with Presidents Johnsons 10 percent plan?

Lincoln's plan was the ten percent plan and Johnson's plan was Reconstruction

How had Lincoln hoped to accomplish Reconstruction and what modifications did Johnson make to Lincolns original plan?

Abraham Lincoln hoped to accomplish the reconstruction by making all of the southern states agree to every proclamation and every Congressional act put forth. Andrew Johnson modified this plan by not making all of the states comply to this rule.

Who hose reconstruction plans requires the establishment of state governments with no limits on voter allegiance?

Andrew Johnson's reconstruction plans required the establishment of state governments with no limits on voter allegiance. Abraham Lincoln wanted to establish states that would agree with everything Washington wanted them to do.

What was the main difference between presidential and congressional reconstruction?

Presidential Reconstruction was made by the president while Congressional Reconstruction was made by the congress which was mainly comprised of radical republicans. Also 'Presidential Reconstruction' was the attempt by the President (first Abraham Lincoln, then Andrew Johnson) using his power to rebuild the south while Congressional Reconstruction rejected this forcing the south to suffer for their crimes and injustices towards slaves.

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The Congress has to agree with treaties. If they don't it cannot be made.

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When can congress overturn a presidents veto?

when two thirds of each House of Congress agree to do so

What was the reaction in the upper south to Lincoln's request?

they agree

What will lead directly to a government “shut down”?

when Congress and the President cannot agree on temporary funding

Who did president Andrew Johnson initially agree with?

He agreed with Abe. lincon during the reconstruction Era.

What did congress agree to about how much power congress would have over trade?

Congress was given control over trade between the states.

What did the delagates agree that congress could and could not do?

Each house of Congress should be able to originate bills.