

What edible root begins with y?

Updated: 12/22/2022
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Q: What edible root begins with y?
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Square root implies that a number x has a divisor y which when multiplied by itself equals x. In other words y² = x. The decimal system (numbers up to 10) has an interesting characteristic that helps solve your problem. If you square any number (y) that begins with 1, and ends with any number of zeros, you will have a number (x) that begins with 1, and ends with twice as many zeros as y. Conversely, if you square root any number (x) that begins with 1, and ends with an even number of zeros, you will have a number (y) that begins with 1, and ends with half as many zeros as x. Since one googol is a 1 with 100 zeros after it, the square root is a 1 with 50 zeros after it, otherwise known as one hundred quindecillion.

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so far as I know, no, I havent seen it stated as edible

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The root it is a root vegetable

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No, cabbage is not classified as a root vegetable. The edible part grows above the ground. Although cabbage has roots, they are not the edible part. Such things as carrot and potato (where the edible parts grow under the ground) are classified as "root" vegetables.