

What effect did the Morse code have on politics?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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The code itself had no effect. The system that used it first - the electric telegraph - meant messages could be sent around the world in hours rather than weeks. In turn this allowed decisions to be made, requests and orders honoured, etc, very much more rapidly.

The code was simply part of the mechanism.

Hours rather than practically instant because messages could not yet be sent directly. Instead they were sent from one relay "telegraph station" to the next, with a human operator in each transcribing the message he received then sending it on its way by tap-tapping it by key into the next cable. Though apparently clumsy to us, it was a huge technical step forwards!

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The proper adjective of Morse code is "Morse." For example, you would say "Morse code message" or "Morse code transcription."

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off in Morse code would be: --- ..-. ..-. NOTE: this is in international Morse code, there are 3 kinds of Morse code

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killer in Morse code would be: -.- .. .-.. .-.. . .-. NOTE: this is in international Morse code, there are 3 kinds of Morse code

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I love maths in Morse code would be:. .-.. --- ...- . -- .- - .... ...NOTE: this is in international Morse code, there are 3 kinds of Morse code

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go on youtube in Morse code would be:--. --- --- -. -.-- --- ..- - ..- -... .NOTE: this is in international Morse code, there are 3 kinds of Morse code

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All is well in Morse code would be:.- .-.. .-.. .. ... .-- . .-.. .-..NOTE: this is in international Morse code, there are 3 kinds of Morse code