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The most obvious answer to this question is that it brought the United States into ww2. providing the strongest enemy to the Japanese in the pacific. This also aided the Allied powers in Europe.

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Q: What effect on the world did the attack on pearl harbor have?
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What effect did the attack on Pearl Harbor have on U.s foreign policy?

The United States remained neutral in World War Two until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

What effect did Japanese attack on pearl harbor have on U.S. foreign policy?

The United States remained neutral in World War Two until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

What effect did the Japanese attack on pearl harbor on U.S. foreign policy?

The United States remained neutral in World War Two until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

What effect did Japanese attack have on the Pearl Harbor have on U.S. foreign policy?

The United States remained neutral in World War Two until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

What effect did the Japanese attack on pearl harbor have on U.S.. foreign policy?

The United States remained neutral in World War Two until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

What effect did the Japanese attack on pearl harbor have on the U.S foreign policy?

The United States remained neutral in World War Two until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.

What event brought US into World war two?

The Japanese attack on the US Fleet at Pearl Harbor.

What is setting of the movie pearl harbor?

The setting was portrayed as Pearl Harbor, in Hawaii during World War II. The attack on Pearl Harbor was what thrust the U.S. into World War II.

How did the atomic bomb of pearl harbor effect the world?

There was no atomic bombs on Pearl Harbor

Why was the US dragged into world war 2?

The US was thrust into WWII by the Japanese attack on the Fleet at Pearl Harbor.

What effect did the japanese attack on Pearl Harbor have of u.s. foreign policy?

The result was to bring America directly into World War II, helping the Allies in the fight against Germany in Europe, and Japan in Asia.

Was World War 2 over when Pearl Harbor happened?

No, the attack on Pearl Harbor actually began the war.