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Your moms, butt cuz yo moms butt has pubes in it

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Q: What effects does exercise have on perspiration level?
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Related questions

What other process could you have measured to determine to external and internal effects of exercise on the body?

Externally, you can measure perspiration. Internally, you can measure heart rate, breathing rate, and blood pressure.

Can Xanax help with severe perspiration?

Only if the perspiration is caused by anxiety. Xanax is a prescription anti anxiety drug, with several notable side effects, but none are to inhibit normal perspiration.

How do you use perspire in a sentence?

The perspiration was dripping off my brow.

The human body depends on what to cool itself?

The human body depends on perspiration to cool itself down. Perspiration occurs during vigorous exercise or during high intensity activities.

What gets transported through the body after exercise?

What usually transports out of the body after excercise is your perspiration....if that's what you mean.

Physiological effects of exercise in water?

Outline the physiological effects of exercise in water (Use dot point

Effects of exercise and recovery on heart rate and cardiac output?

jonny london during the exercise period the oxygen and glucose level goes down

Why are the effects of exercise referred to as systemic effects?

Why are the effects referred to as systemic effectrs

Why are rubberized or plastic exercise clothing dangerous?

Such garments interfere with the evaporation of perspiration and can cause body temperature to rise to dangerous levels.

What is the meaning of the word perspiration?

Perspiration refers to the process of sweating, which is the release of moisture through the skin pores. It is a natural bodily function that helps regulate body temperature and eliminate toxins.

What is insensible perspiration?

Insensible perspiration is a perspiration that evaporates before it is perceived as moisture on the skin.

i exercise and my sugar level goes up, is this ok?

i exercise and my sugar level goes up, is this okay?