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The nuclear reaction is:

232Th--------------- 228Ra + α

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Q: What element does thorium become if it emits an alpha particle?
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What element does thorium-230 decay when it emits an alpha particle?

226 88Ra

What element does thorium 230 decay when it emits an alpha particle?

This isotope is radium-226.

What type of radiation alpha beta or gamma is emitted by thorium-230?

alpha particles.

What is the eqaution of disintegration of thorium?

232Th---------alpha particle---------228Ra

What would the balanced equation for the alpha decay of thorium 229 be?

229Th-------alpha particle-----------225Ra

What happens when uranium gives off an alpha particle?

An isotope of thorium is obtained.

If the isotope bismuth-213 emits an alpha particle two protons and two neutrons which element will be left over?

Emitting an alpha particle 213Bi become 209Tl.

What isotopes remains after the alpha decay of uranium-238?

232U alpha decays to 228Th. Thorium-228 is the daughter product of the alpha decay of uranium-232.

What type of radioactive decay result in uranium -238 becoming thorium 234.?

This is an alpha decay.The half-life of uranium-238 is 4,468.10ex.9 years.

When thorium decays by emmitting an alpha particle what is the atomic number of the resulting nucleus?

88Ra, Radium

When thorium decays by producing an alpha praticle the product nuclide is?

The decay of thorium by alpha decay the resultant nuclide is the element radium. The specific nuclide of radium cannot be determined unless we know which specific nuclide of thorium underwent alpha decay.

What element is formed when uranium-238atomic number92ejects an alpha particle?

238U radiates alpha particles and decays via 234Th and 234Pa into 234U, which has a halflife of 245,500 years. (Thorium-234, Protactinium-234, Uranium-234 respectively)