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Q: What environmental stimulus is most likely to result in a more rapid heartbeat in an animal?
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What is the most likely to have a shorter life span?

A small animal with a rapid heartbeat.

In operant conditioning the stimulus is the behavior of the animal and the response which influences whether or not the behavior is likely reoccur can be under human control true or false?

sure! But it can also be affected by the reinforcing stimulus provided by a tree or a rock too--

When is operant stimulus control achieved?

Operant stimulus control is achieved when a behavior consistently occurs in the presence of a specific stimulus due to its history of reinforcement or punishment. This means that the behavior is more likely to occur when that stimulus is present and less likely in its absence.

What is a naturally occurring reaction to a particular stimulus?

The reaction to a stimulus is called a response. An intensified stimulus usually evokes a more intense response. Of course the type of response to a stimulus depends on the nature of the stimulus. Scream at someone and they likely will feel verbally attacked. The screaming is the stimulus, feeling attacked is the response.

Which type of environmental scientist is likely to study the interactions of gorillas?

Environmental veterinarian

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Is weight inherited only or by environmental conditions?

weight could be inherited but it is most likely to be environmental !!

What stimulus would most likely cause Post operative shock?

neurogenic shock

When did the environmental movement end?

It has not. Nor is it likely to do so.

Post operative shock would most likely result from what stimulus?

administration of central anesthesia

What does the word stimulus mean?

A stimulus is basically considered to be a detectable change inside or outside the body. If you sit quietly for a while, and then a loud noise goes off, that is a change from the quiet state, and therefore considered a stimulus. You most likely will jump.But if you get used to that loud noise, then you have adapted to it and it no longer triggers a response, it is no longer a stimulus; it is not changing.Basically something which urges a response is called a stimulus.

Which would most likely be caused by environmental conditions?

Extinction is most likely to be caused by environmental conditions. Dramatic changes to the climate can mean that species are no longer adapted to survive.