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DNA Helicase.

- an enzyme, is responsible for unwinding and unzipping the double helix.

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Q: What enzyme unravels the DNA helix?
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What enzyme unzips the DNA double helix?

The enzyme Helicase unzips the DNA double helix

Which molecule separates the DNA helix?

The enzyme Dna helicase does this.

What enzyme is responsible for unzipping the helix?

DNA Helicase. - an enzyme, is responsible for unwinding and unzipping the double helix.

Which enzyme is responsible for unziping the DNA double helix?

DNA helicase

What is responsible for unwinding and unzipping the double helix?

To 'unwind' the double helix for protein synthesis, enzymes called DNA Helicases cause the two parent DNA strands to unwind and separate from one another in both directions. And im only 15

What does the helicase enzyme do?

Helicase is an enzyme involved in DNA replication. It unwinds and unzips the parental DNA strand.

When DNA replication occurs the enzyme which separates the two side of the helix is called?


What unwinds the parental double helix for DNA and whats is the relationship between genes and DNA?

The enzyme Helicase A gene is a small segment of DNA

What enzyme separates the DNA rails during replication?

The protein uncoils the helix and "unzip" the bases

Is DNA helicase an enzyme?

Yes, it unwinds the DNA double helix prior to transcription/protein synthesis and DNA replication.

What enzyme breaks the bonds between the complementary parent strands?

Hydrolysis(break) of a phosphodiester bond, separates two strands of DNA Strand breakage by the DNA untwisting enzyme results in covalent attachment of the enzyme to DNA

What are two differences between transcription and DNA replication?

# Transcription is copying a section of DNA (a gene) onto a mRNA molecule. Replication is the copying the entire DNA molecule. # Transcription does not require primer for initiation.DNA replication use primer for initiation. # RNA transcription, mRNA copy of the active stand of DNA helix is made this process is carried by different enzyme & result is a single of mRNA.DNA replication double helix of DNA is duplicated into two identical double helix which are also identical to the mother DNA, this process is carried by specific enzyme