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Spotting is a very light flow. It is something that may barely, or not even, fill a pantyliner throughout the course of the day (or couple of days for that matter). Spotting doesn't really include the loss of any tissue (shedding of the lining of the uterus). Usually it is a very light pink color, but it could also be bright red (new oxygenated blood) or more brown (old, deoxygenated blood).

During pregnancy, any bleeding is referred to as vaginal bleeding. It has nothing to do with a period as pregnancy and periods cannot co-exist. Vaginal bleeding is caused by something other than your period and in this case it sounds more like implantation bleeding (if it is early in the pregnancy).

However, any vaginal bleeding should be reported to your doctor as well as any detail you can provide regarding flow, color, any odors, frequency, and any other concurrent symptoms. Your doctor will want to evaluate it to determine a cause (though it is often difficult to determine an exact cause) and be sure that it is not something serious; although it is usually a very normal occurrence and means no harm.

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Q: What exactly is normal spotting during your first trimester Like color and amount wise?
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Is spotting after straining on the toilet normal in the first trimester?

No, spotting after straining on the toilet is not normal in the first trimester. Any spotting or bleeding during pregnancy is not considered to be normal. While it could be implantation bleeding, it would be wise to get examined by your doctor or obstetrician.

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Spotting is not an indicator of twins. Many women with a single fetus spot during the first trimester.

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Yes, perfectly normal. It's called implantation bleeding.

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Some people gain no weight during the first trimester, particularly if they have morning sickness. Other people gain a small amount, particularly towards the end of the first trimester. The most weight is gained during the second trimester though.

What is the color of the spotting?

i hope this answers your can be light pink or brown, if it is red in anyway tell your doctor immediately!!! spotting during the first trimester of pregnancy is common. im 7 weeks and i have been spotting the past 2 days and the doctor told me that it was normal.

Can overexertion or strain cause spotting during the first trimester?

Yes, if you are spotting you need to take it easy for a few days, also if you have any type of bleeding or spotting you shouldn't have sex until 7 days after the spotting stops. you should also let your doctor know, spotting in early pregnancy is common but doctors like to document everything.

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Yes cramping is normal during the first trimester. Its due to the baby growing and stretching you internally which is why you have cramps. Any bloody discharge, or spotting or sharp cramps should be reported to your doctor.

Is any kind of clotted like blood normal during th 1st trimester of pregnancy?

I got pregnant twice and during my first trimester i had spotting and slight bleeding. And they were both signs of tubal pregnancy which is the fertilised egg implants in the tubes but not in the uterus. So I lost both of the pregnancies. I am 4 weeks pregnant again and i am hoping i will have a healthy pregnancy. I will freak out if any spotting or bleeding starts.

What is early pregnancy loss?

The traditional designations are: During the first trimester - abortion (spontaneous abortion, if you want to avoid ambiguity) During the second trimester - miscarriage During the third trimester - stillbirth

Why am I Spotting during eighth month of pregnancy?

Any bleeding during the 2nd and 3rd trimester would be considered "abnormal" and you need to call your doctor. I don't want to alarm you, as spotting can be caused by many things, however you need to make the call to someone that can check things out for you.

Is it normal to have normal period symptoms at 8 weeks of pregnancy?

If you have any kind of spotting at any point in your pregnancy it is crucial to go to the doctor (or emergency room). That's untrue you can have spotting during the 1st trimester of your pregnancy it isn't too uncommon, though if it doesn't go away I would suggest seeing the doctor.

Is Pale pink spotting after straining to go to the bathroom normal?

I am not sure if this is "normal" but this happened to me during my first trimester of my second pregnancy. Everything came out find and I had a healthy baby girl. I am now in my third pregnancy and this same thing is happening all over again. In my opinion I think this is something that happens in some women during there first trimester when they are pregnant, but check with your doctor to be on the safe side.