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Taco-bell, Mcdonalds, Burger King just to name a few. Although they are only selling horse meat to fast food chains in the UK, the U.S food industry - (U.S.D.A) is trying to pass a law to allow horse meat plants in the U.S. :(

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Q: What fast food companies use horse meat?
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What fast food companies use slaughter animal products?

Every fast food company that serves any type of meat or animal product comes from slaughtered animals. Cheers, 99

Does dog food contain horse meat?

Dog food, particularly in the USA is not made from horse meat as American horses are not safe for human or animal consumption due to toxic substances used to keep horses healthy. Horse meat was banned in pet food in the USA in the 1970's. In other parts of the world horse meat may still be used but it is not common as horse meat is considered a delicacy.

Is it bad eating horse meat?

Eating meat, or any food item, requires proper preservation and cooking to assure that the food is healthy. While not currently a generally accepted food item in the United States, in some counties and at certain points in history, horse meat was a common food item.

Are horses in dog food?

Pet food companies in the United States cannot use horse meat, according to the Equine Protection Network, which is a group dedicated to making a difference for abused, neglected and slaughter-bound horses. The main reason for this is because U.S. companies make more profit by selling it to countries where people eat the meat. This does not stop horse meat from making its way back into the United States as an "animal" by-product or "animal" digest. Animal digest is the remains of pretty much any part of any animal (blood, teeth, hair, fat, muscle, viscera) from anywhere (roadkill, shelter animals, euthanized pets and horses, undesirable meat from livestock, etc.). Cheaper dog foods contain by-products and animal digest.

What food product is made from horse?

Meat is an edible product from horses. In the United States horse meat is not eaten. However, in several other countries the meat from a horse is used in the same ways as meat from a cow is used. It can be ground, it can be cut into steaks, or roasts. There are a number of ways that horse meat is eaten.

What food can you get from horses?

The most common would have to be food. Although horse meat has never really caught on in America, Europe has a much larger market for it. It also can be found in dog food. The hides are sometimes used for leather products and one of the lesser known products from horses are pregnancy hormones. These hormones are used for certain drugs for humans.

When was fast food founded?

Fast food was made in about 1860 at a country fair a man was selling meat valls and decided to put a meat ball on a bun the first burger

What food scandal has hit Europe?

beef dinners that contian horse meat

Which fast food chain never freezes its meat?

wendys, in n out.

Do any fast food restaurants use nutria meat in their hamburgers?
