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Congress can make laws for the District of Columbia and all federal properties such as military installations or bases, historic sites, national cemeteries, national forests and parks, and fisheries.

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That depends on your definition of all those terms, as well as your political views.

In the strictest sense, congress has NO control over any property (area); as originally designed: Congress could pass laws but not enforce them, the Executive could enforce laws but not pass upon their legality, and the Judiciary could only adjudge the legality of any act. Under this design, only the Executive branch had any direct control over property (an area).

It is argued by some that Congress controls only the United States (defined by the constitution as, quoting article 1 section 10 "an area 10 miles square surrounding the seat of government." & "interstate, foreign, trade.")

It is unarguable though, that Congress has indirect control over every state, possession, and territory; by the ability to pass laws that directly effect each of these.

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