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Call 911, drink water, plan on taking a few days off work

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Q: What first aid treatment do you take if someone accidentally swallow sanitizing agent?
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What are the sidefects if you accidentally swallow mouthwash?

Mouthwash is an oral hygiene product that is not intended to be swallowed. If you accidentally swallow mouthwash, the side effects that you may experience include nausea and diarrhea.

Do horses swallow snakes while grazing?

No. Snakes are too long and slithery for a horse to swallow, even accidentally.

How many things do you accidentally swallow in your life?

It is difficult to quantify the exact number of objects a person might accidentally swallow in their lifetime. Accidental swallowing can happen, but it is important to be mindful of what is being ingested to prevent potential harm.

What happens if you accidentally swallow 'white spirits' paint thinner?

U will die

What will happen if you accidentally swallow a staple?

It will pass through your body with no ill-effects

What are inappropriate toys for infants?

Anything with small detachable pieces or parts they could accidentally swallow.

Why does an echidna swallow soil?

because it trys to eat the ants on the dirt and accidentally eats the dirt (soil)

In the movie Snow White and the Seven Dwarves what does Dopey accidentally swallow in the wash scene?

a bar of soap

What happens if you accidentally swallow a little bit of ink?

Either nothing, or you get sick, or you die. It depends on what the ink is made of.

How do you get a pill out of the windpipe?

If you swallow a pill and it accidentally passes into the windpipe, it will undoubtedly feel uncomfortable. You can get the pill out by coughing it up.

What if my wife is on penicillin and im allergic?

Then do not take them yourself. Unless you come into direct contact with them, or accidentally swallow them yourself, you will be fine.

What will happen if your tooth comes out at night?

If you accidentally swallow it while you're asleep - it will simply pass through your digestive system.