

What fish can be in the same tank as one another?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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Hey there, You have got to be resonably careful with what fish u put with what fish. For example I wouldn't put too many male guppies into a tank with one female coz they will harass her and she will most likely die. about 2 males to a female should do it. Also be careful of 'nippy' fish like barbs, they are major harassers but also can be eaten by gouramies. Dont over stock ur tank either. Put one fish to 2 litres of water. If its a coldwater tank, gold fish are fairly easy going. They wont eat eactother or anything but on the other hand paradise fish have a 50% chance of being aggressive so be careful. And always watch the action that is happening at an aquairum/pet stores tank. If there is a domanent fish that chases or is more intensly coloured, make sure u don't get him coz 80% of the time ur gonna have trouble. and as a general rule don't put big fish with little fish. And cichlids can be very aggressive. Always keep your fish well fed. but don't over feed. This is what I learnt from working a few years in an aqaurium. Got any other questions? message me on Cheers :oD

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Q: What fish can be in the same tank as one another?
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