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The best candidates are Betta fish and Paradise Gouramis

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Q: What fish can you keep in a fish bowl?
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Is a fish bowl a solution?

A fish bowl is not a solution its what you keep your goldfish/ beta fish in :P

How many goldfish can you keep in a standard fish bowl?

it depends how big the fish bowl is

What is the cheapest and easiest way to keep a goldfish?

The cheapest way to keep a goldfish is to keep it in a fish long as the bowl is big enough the fish will be happy there.

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Can you keep feeder fish in a bowl?

I guess you mean Puffer fish. If so, then the answer is definitely NO! IMO there is no fish that should be kept in a fish bowl.

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What is a good combination of fish to keep in a fish bowl?

Platys can sometimes be kept in a bowl, if the bowl is big enough and in a warm enough area. Generally, though, fish bowls should be banned and not used.

Can feeders live in a fish bowl?

Although it may well be possible to keep one for a short time (1"of fish NEEDS 1 gal of water)I believe it is cruel to keep any fish in a 'fish bowl'. Even a Betta.

How do i keep a koi fish in a bowl?

You don't. You put it in a pond. Koi grow to over 24". To keep one in a bowl would be terribly CRUEL!

Can you keep tiger barb and moleys together in a fish bowl?

no. a fish bowl is way way way too small for any fish, let alone a group of tiger barbs and mollies.

Is it safe to keep two betta fish in the same bowl?

No. They will kill each other.

Can you fit 4 fish in one gallon fish bowl measuring 12 by 12 inches?

It may be possible to keep 4 small fish in a one gallon fish bowl, depending on the type, size and needs of the fish you choose. It will also depend on whether or not the fish bowl has a filter, and if your fish can live without a heater. For example, because they do not get large, 4 white cloud minnows can be kept in a one gallon bowl with a filter and they do not require a heater. You can also keep a male beta or Siamese fighting fish with a few white cloud minnows; or 2 small goldfish which can grow too large or the bowl.