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The flag that was used as the basis of the design of Alabama's flag was the flag of Scotland. The design was the same with just a few modifications like the color.

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Q: What flag was used as the basis of the design of Alabama's flag?
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Which country have rhombus shape national flag?

Brazil has a rhombus on their national flag. The American states of Arkansas and Delaware each also have a rhombus, as well as a historical flag used for a Napoleonic campaign in Italy. The Empire of Brazil, Portugal, and the Algarves used a flag with a rhombus as well, and is the basis for the current Brazilian flag.

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It was officially adopted in 1909 but the same design was used since 1784

Is flag a concrete noun?

Yes, the noun 'flag' is a concrete noun; a word for a piece of fabric with a specific design used as a symbol, or used as a signaling device; a word for a type of flat stone used for paving; a word for a physical thing.The word 'flag' is also a verb: flag, flags, flagging, flagged.

Is flag a noun?

Yes, "flag" is a noun. It refers to a piece of fabric with a distinctive design that is used as a symbol, often representing a country or organization.

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The design of the Union Flag dates from a Royal Proclamation following the union of Great Britain and Ireland in 1801 and is still in use today.

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The current flag of Puerto Rico was introduced in 1952, having been adopted by the commonwealth. However, the flag's basic design has been used as far back as 1868.

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No, but I have seen someone's shorts raised up there, which is the basis for that old nick show, Salute your shorts!

How long has the current flag design been used in Mexico?

The current design of the Mexican flag was adopted in 1968, but the general design (three red, white and green stripes with the Mexican coat of arms in the middle) has been in use since February 24, 1821 when Mexico was a few months away of winning its independence war against Spain.

Who made Arizona's state flag?

The current flag design was due to Governor Francis P. Flemingin the 1980's, who suggested that the red x be added to the flag which once had a plain white backround. White flags represnt retreat, so the Governor reccomended the add in the design to ammend that.

When was the Canadian flag in its current form introduced?

The current Canadian flag with its distinctive red 'Maple Leaf' was officially made the national flag on the 15th of December 1965. An earlier version was used in 1964 but had a slightly different maple leaf design.

What colors are used in El Salvador flag?

The El Salvador flag contains the colors blue, white, green, red, and yellow. The primary design is 2 blue stripes with a white stripe in the middle and the El Salvador crest found in the middle of the flag.