

What foods are acids used in?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Pickles are acidic foods.

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Q: What foods are acids used in?
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What are phosphates?

: tiny, salty objects that are mainly made up of phosphoric acids that fertilize and are used in common foods such as bread or other foods.

What foods supply amino acids?

All unrefined foods supply amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins.

Why are acids in food safe to eat?

The acids found in foods, such as citric acid and lactic acid, are safe to eat because they are components of the foods, and the foods are safe to eat.

What is the benefits with using acids in food product?

Acids are added in foods for taste and as preservatives.

What foods contain any acids?

there are quite a few foods which contain acids such as sour milk, vinegar,coke,tea, coffee etc.hope that helps

What foods contain fatty acids?

None - because fatty acids (and glycerol) are the product of foods containing fat when they have been digested by the lipase enzyme.

What is Low acid food?

This is a food that contains low acid. Some foods are high in acids. For example: foods like tomatoes or lemons. These are two different kinds of acids found in foods.

Are sour tasting foods usually acid or base?

sour tasting foods are acids.

What are good sources of essential fatty acids?

There are many great foods that are rich in essential fatty acids. These foods include fish, such as salmon, and a variety of nuts.

What foods are acids found in?

You can find acids in fruits, for example oranges this contains Citric acid

Where do acids and bases have uses?

Acids and Bases are used in basically everything. All cleaners are usually bases or weak acids, that help remove stains, by reacting with the substance. Some weak acids and bases are used in foods, for example vinegar is a base and citric acid (From lemons etc). is obviously an acid. Please respond if this did not fully help you understand acids and bases uses.

What causes some foods to taste sour?
