

Best Answer

chocalte, corn, tomatoes, Chile, peanuts, turkey, avocado's, vanilla,

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Q: What foods did the Aztecs discover for us?
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When did aztecs discover chocolate?


Did the Aztecs discover cacao?

they didn't discover cacao but i believe they discovered cocoa. :)

What thing did the Aztec discover?

The Aztecs discovered the calender wheel.

Did the aztecs discover chocolate?


Who was the first man to discover the chocolate exact?

That would probably have been the Aztecs?!

What did the Aztecs discover?

The Aztecs discovered and developed advanced agricultural techniques, created a complex calendar system, built intricate city structures like Tenochtitlan, and made significant advancements in art and architecture.

What three foods originally came from the Aztecs?

Corn corn corn

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Why did you discover the temple of the Aztecs?

as people its only natural to explore unknown places and be very inquisitive. and that's why.....

What were some foods that the Aztecs ate?

They made Guacomole and they made hot chocolate pudding.

What other things did Professor Eduardo discover about the Aztecs?

he found a lot of things to find out what they google it or go on

What did the aztects eat?

The Aztecs ate a variety of foods. They used a lot of chili peppers in their foods. They ate corn tortillas, tamales, and corn.