

What foods make up a kosher diet?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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13y ago

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It is very complicated to explain. Every food has its own rules. Milk cant be mixed with meat, and fish cant be eaten with meat. Most people wait 30 mins after eating dairy before eating meat, and 3 hours after meat before dairy. Even if food is kosher it must be prepared with uncontaminated supplies to remain kosher. Birds can't be wild birds and fish need to have fins and scales. Animals need to have split hooves and they need to chew their food twice like cows. After following these rules one must properly kill an animal with a flawless knife, with a sudden move, so the animal don't feel any pain. Then the lungs must be checked for diseases and many other body parts as well. Vegetables often need to be soaked in vinegar to kill and remove insects.

There are many other conditions that need to met as well but these are the basics.

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