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Despite the claims, there isn't much proof that any foods or - for that matter - cosmetics will help reduce wrinkles. No matter how much you pay for them!

Whether you eat the food or spread it on your face or bathe in it won't make much difference. Remember, just because you read it in a magazine or see it on television doesn't make it true; it's probably just a filler for a slow-news day.

The best way to avoid wrinkles is to wear protective clothing, such as a hat and shirt, and sunscreen when in sunlight, don't smoke (number one wrinkle-maker!), drink alcohol in moderation, and drink plenty of water, without becoming obsessive about it - there's no magic number of glasses to drink in a day, just drink when you're thirsty.

Possibly the best advice is to notice people with smooth skin and ask them whether they've done, or do, anything to achieve this. Chances are they've not done much apart from having parents who don't wrinkle easily, just as early-greying hair can depend on whether your parents have or had grey hair when young.

Worry produces wrinkles (worry-lines), so try to maintain an close to an inner calm as you can manage; you'd be surprised how easily this can be achieved if you accept that worrying gets you nowhere. Learning to live with problems you can't fix, or learning to fix problems you can fix, will help keep the worry-lines away.

Above all, don't keep staring and squinting into mirrors looking for wrinkles! This causes wrinkles.

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