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DO NOT STARVE YOURSELF!! you will not lose weight properly. your body will begin to STORE fat because it thinks its wandering in the desert and wont have any food for a long time! plus, its totally unhealthy. AND, you will gain the weight back more quickly when you start eating regularly again. 400 calories is not enough either! i don't know you or your regimen of excercise or whatever...but in general that doesn't sound healthy. keep eating your vitamins and tuna and fruit. eat tons of veggies too! make sure to drink a lot of water. so much more on this, but the main point is DO NOT starve yourself.

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Q: What foods should you eat when you are trying to lose weight by eating no more than 400 calories a day and taking multivitamins?
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Multivitamins are a dietary supplement and should be used accordingly. It is good practice to establish a routine of taking multivitamins daily. Always consult a doctor before taking any dietary supplements.

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Recent study shows it is true that multivitamins may sh0rten ur lifespan.

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For the average adult, eating under 1200 calories/day is considered starvation. A normal amount (taking into consideration weight and activity) should range between 1800-2200 calories/day. Initially, you may drop weight quickly eating only 1000 calories but when your body realizes that you are not giving it enough fuel it will start to hold on to everything you put in to it.

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It all depends on which recipe you use. you should be able to find out if you are taking the recipe from a cook book. In that cook book on the page with the recipe you want it should give an approximation of how many calories there are in that recipe.

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There is no exact answer, only some general guidelines. It is important to first be taking a pre-natal vitamin daily, too. Then, figure out what the mother's daily caloric intake was before pregnancy. Then, add 100 to 150 extra calories a day to that for every child. For example, if the mother usually ate 1,400 calories a day, when pregnant she should be eating between 1,400 and 1,550 calories a day. If that same mother was pregnant with twins, she should then be eating between 1,500 and 1,600 calories a day.

Is it safe to mix doxycycline with daily multivitamins?

Do not take iron supplements, multivitamins, calcium supplements, antacids, or laxatives within 2 hours before or after taking doxycycline.

Can you lose weight while eating carbs from fruits and vegetables?

Yes You can lose weight eating anything as long as you are burning more calories than you are taking in.

Do too many strawberries make you get fat and spotty?

eating to much of anything has the ability to make you fat. eating around 64 LARGE strawberries is around 640 calories worth. You will be extremely healthy, but eating to many and taking in to many calories, yes, you will get fat.

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You should be taking in more calories than burning. About 200-500 calories more than you usual diet.

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Multivitamins play a crucial role in the development of the human body. However, overdose of these vitamins may be dangerous. There are links below that describe the benefits and the dangers of multivitamins.

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it doesn't really matter how much a 14 year old girl eats, as long as she is taking in as many calories as she is burning, and as long as she doesn't develop bad eating habits

How much calories do you loose by blobbing grease of your pizza?

First answer: less then wats on it now (By user: Ciciandshay) My answer: 150 Calories, You can save another 70 or 80 calories by taking off 1/2 the cheese, and another 60 calories by not eating the crust.