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The problems that lead to the War of 1812 actually began with Jefferson. During 1806 the British took 120 American ships with cargo from the French West Indies and stated they were English property. Jefferson was upset when foreign powers threatened the rights of American citizens. The reason for this was the deepening war in Europe that created a demand for American goods and caused the attacks of American ships.

America struggled to maintain a neutral stance on the high seas, but it became harder as the French/British war went on. To keep its enemies from getting goods by ship the British blockaded the French coast. Ships caught in the blockade were taken for use by the British navy so were the crews on the ships. The French responded by blockading the British coast and also took neutral ships. By 1812 Britain had taken a 1000 American ships and the French had 500. This was made worse by the impressment of American sailors who were made to serve in the Royal Navy to fight France. Jefferson's answer was to cut American trade with both the British and France. This was the Embargo Act and caused bitter oppositions with the farmers and merchants. In 1809 this act was replaced with the Non Intercourse Act which allowed trade with everyone but the British and France. Both acts failed because the government was unable to enforce them and smuggling was also taking place. In 1810 Macon's Bill Number two was passed removing all restrictions on trade.

In 1808 Madison is elected president and he saw Canada as a pawn for trade with the British. It was June of 1812 that war was declared.

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