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The only anesthetics they had during the Civil War were whiskey - you were supposed to get so drunk you couldn't feel a thing - and chloroform, which is inhaled. The chloroform killed the pain but didn't render you unconscious; Stonewall Jackson reported that he could hear them amputating his arm but not feel it. Because they didn't know how much chloroform to give a patient, some casualties died from chloroform poisoning.

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Q: What form of anesthetic was used during field surgery in the civil war?
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What was the first anesthetic used in field surgery in the civil war?

A large stone

What form of anesthetic was used for field surgery?


What form of anesthetic was used in field surrgries?

Depends on the period of time in question. During the American Civil War, whiskey WAS used- but so was ether and chloroform- IF the medical staff were not out of it.

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A tent in an open field.

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The Commander In Chief of the Union army during the Civil War was President Abraham Lincoln; the ranking general in the field was Ulysses S. Grant.

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Civil War field hospitals were tents on the battle ground used to treat people. They could also be converted from homes, barns and any other buildings.

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pprob right round even

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Please rewrite. I am not sure what you want to know.

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A. Southern generals were exceptional in the field

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Clara Barton?

Launched the American Red Cross in 1881. An "angel" in the Civil War, she treated the wounded in the field. (nurse during the civil war)