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Arizona, Utah, New Mexico and Colorado meet at a ninety degree angle. This point is called Four Corners.

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7y ago

Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and Utah meet at a spot on the Navajo Reservation called Four Corners. You can stand in 4 states at one time.

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Q: What four states meet at a ninety degree angle?
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a right ANGLE (not angel) is ninety degrees or straight up as seen from the horizontal, example, a street corner on a map, oriented properly. four right angle make up a square.

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The pyramid is actually a square with four ninety degree angles. The pyramid we see above ground is the same below the surface with the same angle.

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A right angle. Ninety degrees. Put more simply, but that answer is the correct one, look at a square, a real square, and then at the corner...that is a right angle, ninety degrees, square angle.

How do you find out a ninety degree angle without a protractor?

Use a "three four five" triangle. Having one leg measure exactly three inches, the other leg exactly four inches, and the hypotenuse measure exactly five inches will yield a ninety degree angle. If you are drawing out the triangle, it may be easier to measure a three inch line using a straightedge and then use a compass to find the point of intersection for the other leg and the hypotenuse.

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A square is a four-sided figure with four 90-degree angles.

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An example of a 90 degree angle is any of the four corners of an A4 page.

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360 degrees

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There are four, 90 degree angles

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In the United States, a bachelor's degree is traditionally a four year degree.