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a rubbish friend

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Q: What friend will not want to be friend because you ask her child to stop bullying and being mean to your kid including pushing kicking?
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What is violent bullying?

Violent Bullying is when the victim is being physically harmed or injured EG: kicking, punching, pushing and biting.i hope this helps

What do you do if a friend takes offense and doesn't want to be friend because you ask her child to stop bullying and being mean to your kid including pushing kicking?

Obviously you are right, she is being an idiot, if she can't control her kid then give her an ultimatum or just no play time between the kids

What is a examples of a pushing force?

pushing a pram kicking a ball pushing the door pushing the car

What do you do if a friend doesn't want to be friend because you ask her child to stop bullying and being mean to your kid including pushing kicking?

The thesaurus use words like helper, supporter, backer, a well wisher, etc. Therefore, how many of these words describe your? Friendship is a two way relationship. Is this person your friend or are you the only whose the friend in this relationship? Think about it and then answer your question.

What is physical and verbal bullying?

One of the three types of bullying is physical bullying. Physical bullying includes hitting, kicking, slapping, pinching, biting, poking and choking. It also includes destroying personal belongings. One way to avoid physical bullying is to stay in a large group of friends. Or, If you are in school, try taking a different route to your classes than the bully. Anyone bullying you using physical contact. Whether it be hitting, pushing or using a weapon against you.

What are the types of bullyng?

other types of bullying is verbal bullying i get verbal bullied it can hurt some one in different types of ways like you can change there additude they could always be sad thats why you shouldn't bully people for fun.

What types bullying are there?

There are three main types of bullying: physical bullying (hitting, pushing, ect.) mental bullying (gossip, name calling, ect.) and cyber bullying (making fun of someone over the internet)

Is kicking the same as pushing someone with your foot?

Yes it is as you are harming the person and moving them.

What are some examples of push forces?

A footballer kicking a ball. A woman pushing the door open

What are some of the examples of pushing forces?

A tug boat pushing a ship to direct it out from the port. A cart being pushed by a man. A footballer kicking a ball. Read more:

How many people get phyiscally bullied?

physical bulling is the minimal amount of bullying many kids are to afraid to report it but bullying is also pushing poking touching without permission don't be afraid speak up

Effects of a force on an object?

applying a force to an object, (pushing, pulling, hitting, kicking etc.) can change its speed, its direction and its shape.