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Richard Nixon despite being paranoid about almost everyone around him and the obvious stupidity of covering up Watergate and the like, was a brilliant politician with his finger on the pulse of U.S. and World affairs. Just a short list...

  1. He opened up relations to China which were realistically "walled out" no pun intended.
  2. He opened up relations with the U.S.S.R. and signed SALT 1 treaty.
  3. He reduced the size of the Federal Government saving the taxpayers billions of dollars.
  4. He got us out of Vietnam honorably and yet the same people that were screaming in the streets for him to do that, are the same people that today said he took too long; was not a graceful exit; that we lost the war...all of which is garbage. We didn't lose anything, we bombed them to the peace table, we never lost a battle in Vietnam, I for one am grateful as I am alive and well today as a result of his actions.
  5. He started the E.P.A. and approached regulations regarding clean air and water
  6. He took steps to be sure schools were no longer segregated
  7. He destroyed the entire U.S. supply of Chemical Weapon Stockpiles
  8. He was President for 6 years; he balanced the budget all 6 years
  9. He lowered taxes
  10. He inherited a 5% inflation rate from Johnson; he quelled that and managed a 3.3% unemployment rate.

He may have done alot of bad things, but had Watergate not existed, he would have gone down as one of the smartest and most productive Presidents of all time.

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First off Richard Nixon Ended the Vietnam conflict, War, Persoanlly he saved me from going to Vietnam in 1974. Nixon was an incredible genius running the country but the democrats had him at watergate for illegal bugging of the party. Ricard Nixon also ws responsible for getting the US our of its first energy crisis in 1973-1974. The origianl oil imbargo from the middle east!

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