

Best Answer

First of all; It would be "What happened after Morse Code was invented" and Second of all; do your own stupid work.

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Q: What happened to the Morse code operators when the telephone was invented?
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What inventor changed the way people communicated?

The first answer is that Samuel Morse invented the Morse Code. And the telegraph. The second answer is that Alexander Graham Bell invented the very first telephone.

What do Samuel F.B Morse Alexander Graham Bell Guglielmo Marconi have in common?

They all invented methods of communication... Morse - morse code, Bell - telephone & Marconi - radio.

Who established the telephone and telegraph?

The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell, who was born on March 3, 1847, and the telegraph was invented by Samuel Morse, who was born on April 27, 1971.

When were telephone poles invented?

Samuel Morse invented the telephone pole after trying to put the wires underground, which did not work. The United States government gave him $30,000 to figure this idea out.

When was Morse code was invented?

It was invented in 1844 by Samuel Morse and his partners.

How did communication change when telephone was invented?

People no longer needed to know Morse or how to write in order to communicate personally over distances.

Did Samuel Morse invent the telegraph?

Yes Samuel Morse invented the telegraph. He also invented the morse code

When the Morse code invented?

A character code invented by Samuel Morse it is called the Morse code and it was invented in 1844. It was replaced by a simplified International Morse Code that is easier to use in 1865.

Who is the father of electronics communication?

For wireless communication, undoubtedly Guglielmo Marconi, who invented the spark gap transmitter. Then for telegraphy, it has to be Samuel Morse. The telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell.

What is The CW Operators' Club's motto?

The motto of The CW Operators' Club is 'Preserving The Unique Art Form of Morse Code'.

Who was the creator of Morse Code?

Samuel Morse invented the Morse Code.

Who invented Telegram?

Samuel Morse