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The reason the rebels did so was because they where tired of paying taxs for tea, not only that, but other stuff too, so they decided to dress up as Indians and dump all the tea on the british's boat into the harbor.

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11y ago

The tea tax, along with many other taxes imposed on the colonies by the king of England even though the colonies remained unrepresented in the either the House of Lords or the House commons. The primary reason for the taxes was to keep the British Military at peak proficiency and to pay off loans that were taken out to prosecute further imperial endeavors and war.

The tea was thrown overboard as a protest of taxation of imported goods without representation.

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14y ago

Dont know about the tea thrown into the harbor, but the fishes have never slept since then :)

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12y ago

In protest, the East India Tea in Boston was dumped overboard into the Boston Harbor by a group of men who were dressed as American Indians

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What was the name of the tea that was dumped during the Boston tea party of 1773?

The tea was thrown into Boston Harbor.The tea was thrown into Boston Harbor.The tea was thrown into Boston Harbor.The tea was thrown into Boston Harbor.The tea was thrown into Boston Harbor.The tea was thrown into Boston Harbor.

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They are alleged to have thrown tea into the harbor at Boston.

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About twelve million dollars worth of tea.

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The Boston Harbor.

What was thrown into the Boston Harbor?

342 chests of Britain Tea, the event was later called "the Boston Tea Party".

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The Boston Tea Party happened in 1773, when patriots dumped tea into the Boston Harbor.

How much pounds of tea got thrown over in the Boston tea party?

The group of people which believed that the should have the freedom called "The Sons of Liberty" dumped 342 casks of tea, about 42 tons. In that day, it was worth between $1,900,000 and $6,000,000.

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The tea was all ready in port when the Boston Tea Party took place. According to eyewitness accounts there were 2,000 people there when the tea was thrown into the harbor.

What is the name given to the action taken to prevent the landing of English tea in the Boston Harbor?

The tea was all ready in port when the Boston Tea Party took place. According to eyewitness accounts there were 2,000 people there when the tea was thrown into the harbor.

How many scones were eaten at Boston tea party?

The tea party was not a party. It was an event when tea was thrown into Boston harbor as a form of protest for the tea tax having been lowered.

What year did the Boston Tea Party happen?

The Boston Tea Party happened in 1773, when patriots dumped tea into the Boston Harbor.