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The mongrel gets the bone.

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Q: What happens as the poem When Great Dogs Fight ends?
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What is When Great Dogs Fight about?

theres nothing great about dog fightstheres nothing great about dog fightsIt's a metaphor for how African Americans had to struggle for their rights and equality.

how does Great (Great (Isambard Kingdom Brunel)) end?

The fight ends when one dog kills the other depending on if the fight is stopped.

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Bernardo ends stabbing Riff, and Romeo stabs Bernardo.

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In the book "By the Great Horn Spoon!" by Sid Fleischman, a fight takes place between Praiseworthy and Captain Swain. Praiseworthy ends up defeating Captain Swain in the fight, allowing the ship to continue on its journey to California.

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When Tybalt and Mercutio fight, romeo trys to defend Mercutio but ends up having him killed. Mercutio dies from Tybalt bringing the sword from under Romeo and stabbing Mercutio.

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What dogs are good with a scottish terrier?

Most breeds are great with scotties HOWEVER I recommend staying away from "bully breeds" ( and trust me i love bully breeds!) but these dogs are very DRIVEN and so are if something happens it usually ends VERY BADLY! This does not mean they can't live together it just means I would personally recommend CONSTANT SUPERVISION

What happens in The Hunger Games book?

A girl named katniss takes her sisters place in the hunger games, which is a contest in which contestants fight to the death, and she ends up winning the games.

Who starts the fight that ends with Romeo fleeing the city?

Mercutio starts the fight that ends with Romeo fleeing the city.

What happens when Romeo and Paris meet?

romeo fights Paris (where?) and Paris dies.

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the world ends

What happens in Naruto Shippuden 163?

In naruto shippuden 163 naruto arrives at leaf village to find it destroyed. He begins to fight pain and the episode ends with naruto throwing rasenshuriken at pain.