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In plants - no seeds, no fruit. In most animals - no baby. In some insects - male offspring. When these insects' eggs ARE fertilized you get female offspring!

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Q: What happens if no fertilization occur?
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What happens if fertilization does not occurs?

If fertilization does not occur, the egg will detach itself and pass through and you will get a normal period.

What happens to the endometrium if fertilization does not occur?

the layer sheds..which we woman call periods or menstrials

What happens to endometrium if fertilization does not occur?

the layer sheds..which we woman call periods or menstrials

What happens to the uterine lining if fertilization doesn't occur?

For women, the uterine lining sheds, in the physiological term of menstruation. In rabbits, nothing happens. They just keep going in and out of heat until fertilization does occur. The same goes for cows and heifers.

When does pregnancy implementation occur?

You mean "implantation" I think, which happens usually about 72 hours after fertilization.

What happens to the thickened uterine lining fertilization if does not occur?

The woman dies and the body consumes it self

When does fertilization in mitosis occur?

Fertilization does not occur in mitosis. Fertilization signals for the start of mitotic division in embryos.

Menstruation does not occur if what happens?

You're pregnant or have hit the menopause. It can also be delayed by stress and such.

Describe where pollination and fertilization occur?

Fertilization occurs in the ovule

How does water aid the fertilization of some organisms?

Depending on the species, fertilization can occur internally or externally. Water aids the fertilization of some organisms because organisms that reproduce externally need water for fertilization to occur.

Where and when does fertilization occur?

Fallopian Tubes

Where does fertilization occur in a plant?
