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Nothing happens. It's just basically a bad habit... And one that you should try to break.. Slowly, of course :D

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Q: What happens if you are still sucking your thumb of the age of 9?
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What age should kids stop sucking their thumb?

There is no real age for a child to stop sucking there thumb, but most people belive it to be 7 years of age, i myself being 15 sometimes catch myself sucking my thumb subcontiously, so you never know when they might stop. u can stop at any age i am 12 and still doin it i wish i could stop but it becomes a habit

How to stop sucking your thumb at 10?

A person can stop sucking their thumb at the age of 10 by using a product called Thum. The product should be painted on the tip of the thumb and will cause a displeasing in the mouth.

Can sucking your thumb affect your growing?

Sucking your thumb can potentially affect the alignment of your teeth and the development of your jaw if done excessively or for a long period of time during childhood. It can lead to issues with bite and tooth positioning. It is advisable to encourage children to stop sucking their thumb by the age of 5 to minimize any negative effects on dental and facial development.

What age should people stop sucking their thumb?

If a child has several baby teeth than it is probably a good idea for them to stop. Sucking their thumb at this age can cause tooth problems such as bent teeth. Many dentists reccommend that if a child is eating solid foods on their own, they should stop sucking on their thumbs to prevent such problems that can sometimes cause a need for braces later in life.

Is it normal to suck your thumb at age 11?

Thumb sucking at age 11 is indulged in by about 10% of those that age with the ratio of female to male being about 2:1. As such it's "normal" and, in fact, can be found in about 2% of the adult population of the United States.

Do most people suck their thumb?

Up to 80% of children under age 2 suck their thumb with the percentage decreasing with age. It is estimated that up to 2% of adults continue the habit, with the highest (unrealistic) estimate at 12%. The largest fall off occurs between the ages of 4-6, with the next fall off occurring at 8-12, slowly diminishing thereafter.

Why is sucking your thumb so addictive?

Depending on your sucking style, that is, the angle of your thumb, the length of time sucking per day, the intensity, and length of time for your habit in years, you may or may not have any affects. The worst case scenario for active, intense thumb suckers is an open bite where the top and lower teeth do not overlap in the resting, postural position and/or some overjet, otherwise called "buckteeth". The best case scenario is no dental affects and a very calm disposition because thumb sucking has been proven to reduce tension and to even raise the levels of dopamine, a natural, body produced hormone, that elicits good internal feelings. The great majority of thumb suckers have no to minimal dental affects.

What Do You Do If You Want to suck your Thumb?

Newborns suck their thumbs as part of the suckle (sucking) reflex. If a baby cannot suck, it cannot get nourishment and without medical intervention, the baby would die. As a newborn ages, a baby sucks because hand-mouth exploration is one of the primary ways babies explore their world and learn. Babies may even try to suck their toes! As babies learn to scoot, then crawl, then stand and walk, they ignore their toes for sucking but still return to their thumb when hungry, tired, frustrated, or need self-comforting. Now, they don't need the suckle-reflex but sucking the thumb lingers because it is comforting. By 2-3 years old, toddlers typically stop sucking their thumbs, but many still do until pre-pre-school at age 4. Still many 4-year olds return to the thumb when very stressed. Children who persist in thumb-sucking may need adults to help them to stop. However, many kids still periodically suck a thumb once in a while even up to age 8-9 years old. But by then, kids realize their friends will make fun of them. Between social milestones and peer pressure along with parental guidance, most kids stop thumb-sucking without problem before age 4. If you are in grade school and still suck your thumb sometimes, try putting a band-aid around the thumb as a reminder to stop. Kids who suck thumbs beyond age 4 can mess up the alignment of their teeth, pushing the top teeth forward like Bugs Bunny. This often requires braces later to correct tooth alignment. So whatever you can do now to stop will help you in the long run.

What famous people suck their thumb?

Posh Spice (singer), Madonna (there are many photos of her sucking her thumb), Rachel Williams (British Model and actress), Twiggy (famous 1960's model who admitted sucking her thumb at age 25), Suzanne Sommers (until her mid 20's), Courtney Love, Andrea Corr (famous singer), Renaud au Zenith, a famous performer, Nina Hagen, Amy Winehouse (deceased, but a public thumb sucker), and many, many others.

Can an average human suck their thumb forever none stop?

Though there are cases of severe adult thumb sucking (usually found in prisons, and places that care for mentally handicapped people) it can't be done non-stop because the individual uses their mouth for eating, etc. There was at least one case where a mentally handicapped woman, age 65, continuously sucked her thumb to the point of actually causing severe skin damage. She was forced to cease in order to allow her thumb to heal. This was achieved by substituting a pacifier, but she eventually started sucking her thumb again.

Im 15 and you recently stareted sucking your thumb?

Congratulations! By sucking your thumb at a later age, an age past the point where the great majority of your jaw has reached its final adult growth stage, you essentially avoid any manifestation of maloclussion (rare either way) usually associated with this habit. As such, you can now fully enjoy its free, convenient, effective, legal and calming affects without concern, unless you indulge publicly where you risk some ridicule from those who are prone to exhibit condescending behavior when they witness something they define as immature. Thumb sucking is, perhaps, the western world's most popular secreted behavior. For more information go to:

Can your adult teeth get messed up when you suck your thumb?

Depending on the condition of the gums and jaw, usually not. Once the growth stage has finished, usually by age 14 or 15ish, an adult would have to suck their thumb, with sufficient pressure on the dental structures, more than 6-12 hours each day for years to have a remote chance of moving their teeth. If, however, the jaw bones and/or gums are diseased the chances increase proportionately and would, therefore, react to a thumb sucking force more easily but it would still take quite some time and effort.