

Best Answer

If you eat Pizza every day, you will probably gain weight. You will also be deprived of a well balanced nutritional diet. You will weaken your immune system and could have bowel issues.


A different viewpoint

You could be fine eating nothing but pizza if you do it right. Use low fat and high fiber toppings. Whole grain crust and low sodium pizza sauce. Make sure you get a proper level of protein each day. Limit the amount you eat, read labels and count calories when you choose toppings.

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Q: What happens if you eat pizza every day?
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yes, if you eat pizza every day..over and over's so'll affect your liver

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Eating anything in moderation is fine. I usually have pizza every Friday. Just don't go overboard to the point where you eat pizza every night.

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I would say about 1,000,000 pizza are given a day

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getting to eat pizza every day he wanted too. And hi Halle!

Do you eat pizza for diner?

Yes, you do eat pizza for dinner, but after that you can save it for lunch the next day, but if you are having a party then you can eat it for breakfast as well

What happens when you eat a slice of pizza?

Ur not hungry no

Is it bad to eat pizza every night?

No, It's healthy.