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If the kitten ate it willingly, nothing bad should happen. A 4 week old kitten is just at the very earliest stages of weaning, so don't start feeding it solid food only at this point, he/she still needs to nurse regularly.

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Q: What happens if you feed a 4 week old kitten tuna?
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Related questions

What is best to feed a 5 week old kitten?

there are spacial kitten foods.

How often to feed a 5 week old kitten?

Twice a day.

Can you feed a 3 week old kitten soft cat-food?


how much do I need to feed a cat or kitten?

Do not be too sensitive, feed him three times a day and after a week you will get the average meal

2 day old kitten not gaining much weight sleeps instead of nursing should i bottle feed?

You can syringe feed the kitten. For more information visit

Is it okay to give a 7 week old kitten Pounce moist tuna treats?

Yes it is,its best not to give your kitten hard food when its to young,it can choke.but as long as the food is moist,it should be fine.

Can you feed a 3 week old kitten buttermilk if the mom is not feeding it?

All cow's milk is not good for animals including buttermilk. Will cause diarrhea and is of no health benefit. You need to find a formula such as esbilac to replace the Mother's milk. Get a bottle too, can find them in the pet stores and feed the kitten about every 3 hours. In about another week, you can start to add softened kitten dry food, but soak it first until soft. Pour some of the esbilac on top of the kitten food. Offer that to your kitten and she or he will start to chow down on that. You can switch to dry kitten food completely at about 5 weeks of age.

Is it ok to feed a 4 week old kitten that lost its mother can milk?

NO! Cats are lactose intolerant and "real" milk will cause LOTS of dogestive issues, especially in young kittens. You need to be bottle feeding the kitten KMR (kitten milk replacement).

Your Kitten is 1 week old with a nose bleed and her mother has rejected her what does this mean and what can you do?

When the mother rejects a kitten is often because there is something wrong with the kitten. It's natures way. However, if you take the kitten to the vet it's very possible you could pull this kitten through whatever is wrong, but you will have to be available often during the day and night to feed the kitten and to be sure it has it's medications.

How much tuna is OK in a week?

2 a week

What is a healthy weight for 5 week kitten?

I have a 5 week old kitten that my fiancée and I rescued and he's healthy at 1.3lbs

I found a four week old kitten today it hasn't been pooping and I had it since 11 am I don't have any kitten milk and i don't think it has ate in a while what can you feed it so it wont die?

you can feed it small cat food from the store ,some brands like paws is very cheap but it probably wont eat it