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Horses fed excessive alfalfa can have weight issues and can develop large mineral "stones" in the GI tract called enteroliths.

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Q: What happens if you feed a horse too much alfalfa hay?
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How much alfalfa do you feed an adult horse?

Alfalfa is highly nutritious and rich in Calcium. But it can cause Entroliths (Stones) in he intestines/stomach. It's recommended that alfalfa not make up a large portion of a horses diet. 5 -10 pounds is about as much as you should feed daily.

How much do you have to feed a griffin?

You have to feed it one pound of alfalfa every day, and, speaking from personal experience, don't feed it tea.

Can to much protein kill a horse?

Most common horse feeds range from 8-24% protein. High protein content feed, (like alfalfa hay) is generally not detrimental as long as the horse has normal kidney function and access to adequate water. Too much protein, therefore, is relative to the condition of the animal.

Which feed provide a horse with high amount of energy?

Alfalfa, corn, and some specially designed feeds give the horse allot of energy, but fed in excess, rich food like alfalfa will cause fatal stones in the horses stomach that require surgery to remove. Corn has little protein for horses, and is not a good meal for your horse, and you need to look at the ingredients in the food, to make sure it has all the other nutrients the horse needs and that it does not have too much bad stuff in it.

What happens if a horse eats to mu ch bran?

It will probably just become overweight or unhealthy. Watch how much you feed your horses!

How much should I feed my horse per day?

You should feed your horse 12 to 15 pounds.

What kind of hay or grain gives a horse the most amount of energy?

Alfalfa hay gives the most energy and so does alfalfa based grains. Alfalfa is much like eating sugar, in how it can makes you hyper. Racehorses are fed this to have a better performance in races.

What precautions should you take when changing your horses diet from alfalfa to grass hay?

You don't really have to worry, because alfalfa and hay are pretty much the the same. Unless you horse don't like hay of alfalfa, don't do it. (I dout your doesn't like hay.

How do you fatten up a horse quickly?

Sweet feed, sweet feed, sweet feed

How many flakes of hay should you feed your horse?

Feeding hay by the flake is a very flawed method and usually results in the horse getting too much or too little forage. You should always feed a horse based on weight. A horse needs 1 to 3% of it's body-weight in food daily, hay should make up from 100% to at the very least 60% of the diet.

What does horses feed on?

Horses eat hay, and oats, and many types of grass, such as alfalfa, just to name the most common feeds. They love carrots and watermelon and many other sweet treats. The feed for horses will vary depending on their age and medical condition.

How much does a bag of horse feed cost?

It all depends on what you want.You can buy builders buckets for a few pound or bowls,buckets just designed for horses that can cost anything from £2.50p to £5.00p.It depends on what you want your horse doesn't care about design so get what you can afford.