

What happens if you not consume carrots?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What happens if you not consume carrots?
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What happen if you don't consume carrots?

your skin turns orange and hair loss is caused.

Can you turn orange?

You can indeed turn orange...the most common way one hears about this is by eating a load of carrots. It is worth mentioning, however, that an adult human would have to consume many, MANY carrots for this to happen though.

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Include carrots, green vagetables in your will improve your eye vision.

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Salt is very bad for you.

How many bags of carrots do you have to eat to turn orange?

You would have to consume a lot of carrots each day for at least a couple of months. A friend of my mother's when I was younger was bright orange and she was always munching carrot sticks whenever we saw her. She had been like this for years. Its deffinatley hard to say only because each person it can be different. But like the other person said you would have to consume large servings and amounts of carrots everyday for months. You will not become orange like the carrot itself but you will have an orange glow. The consumption of so many carrots changes the pigmentation of your sking from the vitamins in the carrots. just like if you were to eat another vegetable this much, you would have a light glow of that color.

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you'll have a sour and bitter mouth !!!