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If the person who has had both their MMR jabs has a weak immune system - which may be due to them being too clean - they will probably catch measles. If the MMR jabs didn't work, they will get measles. If the MMR jabs worked, that person won't get measles unless they have a weak immune system (as mentioned above). There really isn't a definite answer to this question - they might get measles, they might not. It depends on if the MMR jabs worked and the strength of their immune system.

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Q: What happens to a person who has completed the MMR series when they are exposed to a contagious person who has the measles?
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Measles is HIGHLY contagious- it is a communicable disease.

Can you tell me anything about the measles?

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Yes, it is very contagious; people with measles can be contagious from four days before the rash appears, to four days after the the rash appears.

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Are measles contagious?

Yes they are very .but if out of range with person impossible.Yes measles do spread all over your body and there is a cure

How is Measles Contagious?

Measles is a sickness caused by a virus. It can be spread by contact with droplets from the nose, mouth, or throat of an infected person.

When is a person who is ill with measles most contagious to others?

The most contagious time period is the three to five days before symptoms begin through about four days after the characteristic measles rash has begun to appear.

Why should we stay away from a person suffering from measles?

It is a contagious disease- you can catch it.

Is the measles communicable?

Measles is very communicable. It is so contagious that if one person has it, virtually everyone around them will become infected. This is to assume they are not immune.

What causes the measles?

Measles was once a common childhood infection caused by virus of the paramyxovirus group. It is characterised by spots and a respiratory infection causing high fever, cough and runny nose. It is very contagious - nine out of 10 children exposed to the virus will develop measles. Babies generally have a natural immunity to measles for the first six to eight months of their life, due to immunity passed on from their mother.

Is the measles communicable disease?

Measles is very communicable. It is so contagious that if one person has it, virtually everyone around them will become infected. This is to assume they are not immune.