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The answer is: carbon dioxide that is released by animals is absorbed by plants ;)))

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14y ago

it gose in to the atmosphear

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Q: What happens to carbon dioxide that is released by plants and animals?
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What happens to carbon dioxide when it leaves the tissues?

It is released

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Why is carbon dixiode a waste for animals?

Carbon dioxide is a waste for animals because it is expelled during the respiration process. Animals take in Oxygen, and once it is processed in their body, Carbon dioxide is released.

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nthe carbon dioxide is released into the air

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carbon dioxide is released into the air.

What happens when you burn an alkene?

Carbon dioxide and water are released.

A poison released by decaying matter?

Carbon dioxide is the poison released by decaying matter. When animals or plants die, they decay and release carbon dioxide.

What is Carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere by?

Many things contribute to Carbon dioxide being released. Cars, animals, burning fossil fuels, etc.

Once carbon has been converted to food by plants what three things can happen to it?

1. Plants respire and carbon dioxide is. released at night. 2. Plants are eaten by animals and animals respire and carbon dioxide is released. 3. Plants and animals die and are decomposed. Decomposers release carbon dioxide from decaying matter into the air.

Are animals primary consumers of carbon dioxide?

Animals emit carbon dioxide. Plants consume carbon dioxide.

What happens to the carbon atom during respiration?

The carbon atoms are released as carbon dioxide (C02) which is what humans breathe out

What happens when there is a lack of carbon dioxide to the heart?

we would die along with plants and animals