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No. I know they DON'T hibernate. Well, some might but not mostly. I think more of an um..bird thing. They'd travel south to more hot places. You will find them a lot but their most popular in Africa. So, don't worry too much about that.

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Q: What happens to mosquitos in winter since they seem to appear in summer do they hibernate?
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Mosquitos come out every summer.

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No. In the summer, they aestivate, not hibernate.

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Every summer.

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Yes they only come out when it is very hot in the summer and in the winter they hibernate.

Opposite to hibernate?

aestivate - to sleep during the summer

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Neither. Not all animals hibernate or migrate. Fish and birds migrate and only a few mammals hibernate in regions with summer and winter.

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What is meant by aestivation?

It's the summer equivalent of hibernation. Animals who have a period of inactivity in the winter - they hibernate. If they do that in summer - they aestivate.

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Do in summers most of the mammals hibernate?

No. hibernation is a way to save energy when food is scarce, so those animals that do hibernate tend to do it during winter, not summer.