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They would be scoured and eroded, eventually get deposited at the base of the glacier when it recedes as terminal moraine

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Q: What happens to rocks that get caught in alpine glaciers?
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What happens when glacial erosion occurs?

U-shaped valleys are a result of alpine glacial movement. Bedrock is scoured and plucked by continental glaciers. A number of depositional features are a result of the movement and depositing of rock, sand and dust associated with glaciers.

How can glaciers erode rocks?

The glacier can carry rocks. The moving of the glacier.

Do glaciers melt rocks?

No. Rocks need to reach very high temperatures in order to melt. Glaciers, being made of ice, are cold. Glaciers do, however, grind rocks down into smaller pieces quite easily.

What are large rocks transported by?


How did glaciers affect the interior plains?

Glaciers carried rocks that are foreign to the area

What carries the largest rocks glaciers or rivers?

Glaciers can because of their frozen state.

What weathering material leaves ridges of broken rock and soil?

Glaciers pick up rocks and soil as they move across land. When the glaciers melt, they deposit the rocks and soil. Today there are ridges of rocks and soil where glaciers once were.

How wind and glaciers abrade rocks?

By rapid

Do glaciers have the smallest rocks in them?

They can. because, glaciers pick up sediment as they go along slowly.

How do rocks attach to the bottom of Glaciers?

By scraping against them.

How did rocks get to the Grand Canyon?

Water pushed them. Glaciers.

What is in glaciers that causes erosion?

water and rocks salts