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It decreases according to the inverse square law.

If the distance doubles then the force falls to one quarter of the original value, if the distance trebles the force falls to one ninth the original value.

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Q: What happens to the gravitational force when the distance of two objects increases?
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What happens to the gravitational attraction of two objects when their distances increases?

It decreases as the square of the distance.

What increases when the gravitational forces increase?

the gravitational forces.Answer:As mass increases the gravitational force increases. Also, as the nearness of the objects increases the gravitational force increases, but this is usually thought of as the distance between the objects decreasing

What happens to the gravitation force between two objects if the distance between them is dicreased?

In this case, the gravitational force increases.

What happens to the gravitational attraction between two objects if one or both objects acquires more mass?

As mass increases, so does the gravitational pull from the object.

The gravitational between two objects will increase if the?

The magnituide of the gravitational force between two objects will increase if -- the mass of one or both objects increases OR -- the distance between their centers-of-mass decreases.

How does mass and distance the gravitational pull between objects?

More mass in the objects increases the strength of the mutual gravitationalforces between them, but more distance between them decreases it.

What does increasing distance between objects have on the gravitational attraction between them?

The force of gravitational attraction is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the centers of mass of the objects. For example, if the distance increases by a factor of two, the attraction is reduced by a factor of four.

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The Potential energy decreases as r increases.

What happens to the gravitational force between objects getting farther away A. it increases B. it decreases?


What happens to the strength of gravity when the distance is doubled?

When the distance between the centers of two objects is doubled, the gravitational forces between the objects are reduced by 75% .

As the mass of two objects increases how does the gravitational force between the two bodies change?

Gravity is the force of attraction between all masses in the universe.The magnitude of a gravitational force depends onthe masses of the objectsthe distance between the objectsThe gravitational force between two bodies increases as their masses increase.

What happens to the gravitational force between objects of the mass either or both objects increased?

Gravitational force is directly proportional to the product of masses. So as mass is increased then force too increases