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Q: What happens to the half of the leaf that did not contain starch?
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Does the leaf contain starch?


How do you determine the location of starch in a leaf?

To determine the location of starch in a leaf, one can examine it under the microscope and apply one small drop of iodine to the leaf. The parts of the leaf that turn purple contain starch.

How is starch produced in the leaf?

When the plant is kept in sunlight the starch is formed in leaf.

What observations do you need to expect if starch is present when testing leaf for starch?

It can be observed that when testing for starch their must be a olour change of blue black after iodine solution was added.Before the colour change was green that changed to blue black of the whole procedure is been carried out.

Why did the leaf turn brittle in testing a leaf for starch?

The leaf turns brittle during the testing the leaf for starch because the ethanol extracts the all water content from the leaf.

How would the presense of starch in a leaf be affected in a plant if left in the dark for several days?

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Do the non -green areas of a leaf contain starch?

kritika chauhan- no. you can imitate a test .put 10 drops of dilute iodine solution on it. if it turns blue black than it contains starch. a blue black color indicate presence of starch in a food item. if you will do this test for a non green leaf it will be negative.

How can you remove the starch from a leaf?

Starch is a complex carbohydrate. The presence of starch in leaves or plants can be detected by iodine test. In microscopic studies, starch granules can be seen under magnification inside the cells.

What did you see on the leaf in the test tube when testing for starch?

Use iodine to test a leaf for starch | Plant Physiology | Biology

What is the role of iodine in testing a leaf for starch?

A hot bath of ethanol decolorizes the leaf by washing out the chlorophyll. If the leaf is not decolorized, you cannot see the blue-black stain that results from the iodine reacting with the starch.

Where is starch stored in a variegated Coleus leaf?

The starch in a variegated Coleus leaf is stored in the pigmented parts of the leaf. Coleus is a flowering plant is usually considered an ornamental plant because of its color.

Rahul picked up a dry leaf from the school garden and try doing iodine test he observed that the colour of iodine did not turn blue or black can you explain why?

because the leaf doesnot contain starch in it