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Cancer begins in one place but spreads and invades various parts of your body, diverting blood and nourishment to the growth of tumours. The tumours themselves are not helpful, and whatever organ they invade begins to stop working.

Plus, the nourishment from your body is more and more diverted to the cancer, causing weight loss and weakness.

Eventually, a vital organ such as lungs or liver becomes useless due to invasion by the cancer, and you can't sustain life any more.

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yes, but usually recurrent infections, and at some point the antibiotics will not control the infections anymore, sepsis will set in and death may be eminient due to the weakend immune system and inability to fight such bacterias

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11y ago

Yes, prostate cancer can kill.

Prostate Cancer: Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers in men. It is suggested that prostate cancer kills one man, every 13 minutes, with a worldwide estimates of over 250,000 deaths per year. A study by the National Center for Policy Analysis indicates that over 241,000 American men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer, in 2011; and it will prove fatal to 34,000 of those who are diagnosed. And there have been studies which indicate that older men, 75 and up will die due to other causes, before prostate cancer kill them.

Early testing for prostate specific antigen (PSA) can help detect abnormalities and save lives, by allowing for its early treatment. Hormone therapy is being used in some men, to shrink the cancer cells, but not all prostate cancer cells respond to this therapy. This therapy does not cure the disease. There are hundreds of studies and experiments going on though out the world, in an effort to find a cure for prostate cancer.

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12y ago

The dread and fear that can come with a cancer diagnosis have their roots in its killer nature: It's the No. 2 cause of death in Americans, second only to Heart disease, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Even when diagnosed early and attacked with the latest treatments, it still has the power to kill.

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13y ago

There are five stages of prostate cancer, known as the Gleason Scale was developed in the 1960′s by Dr. Donald Gleason, a pathologist at the Minneapolis Veterans Affairs Hospital. The purpose of the Gleason Scale is to grade prostate cancers, also called prostatic carcinomas, and determines the patient's prognosis for recovery., and the changes that take place within the prostate gland as the cancer progresses.

See attached file on the Gleason Scale.

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11y ago

The current treatment options differ depending on the stage at which the cancer is at. If caught early before it spreads to other parts of the body, surgery and/or radiotherapy will be used. If the cancer has spread, then hormone therapy will be added to the treatment options. It depends on the specific patient and what works best in their case.

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It spreads into the lymphatic system in the abdomen. From there, it travels to more distant parts of the body. Then finally, it moves into the bones.

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What is the difference between deaths from lung cancer and deaths from prostate cancer?

lung cancer is in the lungs, prostate cancer is in the prostate.

What is the contact information for The Prostate Cancer Infolink?

The Prostate Cancer Infolink.

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As a general term "cancer" means that some abnormal cells are present in a particular part of your body. All the cells of our body have their own "program" to live, but cancer cells do not follow this program. The same happens with prostate cancer, it is characterized by the presence of abnormal prostate cells (cancer cells), causing the damages to prostate and other symptoms. These cells are capable to multiply very fast, increasing their number and the tumor size. Because of this, the normal prostate cells are suppressed and cannot function properly. When a man has prostate cancer, his PSA (prostate specific antigen) levels will rise. In many cases of prostate cancer, the prostate gland is removed.

Where can I learn about prostate health?

The Prostate Cancer Foundation, the U.S. Army's Prostate Cancer Research Program, the Institute for Prostate Cancer Research, the National Cancer Institute, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention all provide information on the latest research on prostate cancer.

What different treatments are there to cure prostate cancer?

Procedures to treat prostate cancer and chemotherapy, radiation therapy or surgery. Surgery can include removal of cancer from the prostate, or removal of prostate gland.

When was Prostate Cancer Foundation created?

Prostate Cancer Foundation was created in 1993.

Is musturbration causes prostate cancer in male?

Masterbation does not cause prostate cancer.

How can prostate cancer a ffect your penis?

Prostate cancer treatments will make you impotent.

Is there a correlation between prostate cancer and prostate hypertrophy?

No. Someone having an enlarged prostate does not mean they will develop cancer.

Is it normal to have a PSA of 1.6 and have prostate cancer?

PSA is just one indicator of prostate cancer. It is possible to have prostate cancer and have a normal PSA reading.

Is prostate massage a positive thing again prostate cancer?

Prostate massage is only recommended for prostate health issues, such as enlarged prostate (BPH) or prostatitis (prostate inflammation). Due to the potential risk of releasing prostate cancer cells that can spread to the body, it is not recommended that men with prostate cancer perform prostate massage.

When is prostate cancer the most prominent?

The peak incidence for prostate cancer is 67 years of age, but a man's risk of developing prostate cancer rises with age.