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it eaither becomes space junk or dosent work anymore


Several years ago many just became dead objects orbiting, and often termed space junk now. Now decommissioned satellites are brought back in on a controlled re-entry to burn up in the atmosphere. Some are repaired like the Hubble, while some catastrophic failures having no operational control left of the satellite get shot down, like in Feb, 2008 because of its hydrazine fuel aboard.

Occasionally you hear in the news of a satellite crashing back to earth from being dead years ago like a recent one that crashed in Australia.

Skylab was left abandoned to burn up in the atmosphere. It is a good point to note that all objects orbiting in space still experience the forces of drag friction and gravity. Modern satellites are continuously readjusted buy on board engines, usually of a chemical nature. Surprisingly most simply will not last beyond 20 years. It is a very harsh environment to design for.

Thankfully we take a no fail mission safe approach to space vehicles. From Venera, to Viking's, Voyager's, Mars lander's, Gallileo, on and on, are all nuclear powered.

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