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They board them at a kennel or camp with them but most find a pet- friendly hotel or motel.

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Q: What happens when dog owners want to travel with their dogs?
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to murder them brutally then give back a indentical replacement

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Why not? People name their dogs all sorts of names. Names are what the owners want them to be. Some pet owners prefer common names while some choose to get creative.

Why are dogs very protective of their owners?

Dogs are pack animals. In the wild they ran in packs and instinctively they protect their pack. Domestic dogs think of their owners as part of their pack. The dogs get very attached to one person. That person is usually the person who spends the most time with them, which should be their owners. If the dog feels like something or someone is a threat to their owners, they will growl and a back off warning and if you don't they will snap or bite at them.

Why do dogs bark at home?

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Is the bed of the Chevy Avalanche too hot for dogs to travel in?

only if want a dead dog the avalanch does not alow air to circulate.

Is cat very good with her owner or dog is good with his owner?

dogs are very lovable with there owners. you want a dog you should get a york shier terrier or a cocker spaniel